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AC Coil Cleaning:

Why you should clean your condenser coil.

image holderimage holder Most condenser coils are exposed to the elements, including direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, dust, and dirt. Insects and small animals often take up housekeeping and dogs seem to love them as territory marking posts.
Grass clippings, lawn mower bumps, and weed whackers all serve to damage and inhibit the operating efficiency of condenser coils.
Horror stories abound about all the critters and foreign materials found in, on, and around condensing units.
This will also lower your power bills and extends the life of your air conditioning equipment.

Why you should clean your evaporator coil.

Evaporator coils are almost always indoors, so they are safe, right? Afraid not. With nearly all the air in a building passing through these coils, they are repeatedly exposed to everything in that air. Even with good filtration, there can be a substantial buildup of dust particles, grease, and smoke. In short, anything floating in the air small enough to get past the filter will build up on the evaporator coils.
But wait, there's more! The evaporator coils are usually damp from condensate and are placed in a cool, dark place an ideal environment for breeding bacteria and other microorganisms, some dangerous, even deadly.

Cleaning the evaporator coils not only helps the system operate properly, it can help avoid serious illness and maintain a healthy living environment for the home's occupants.
This will also lower your power bills and extends the life of your air conditioning equipment.